fitness plans

Breakfast Avocado on toast The exercise after a nice breakfast that help you start off the day. The exercises that will help after having a meal like Avocado on toast are pushups, sit ups and planks they are not energetic exercises they are chill and relaxing making you feel relieved knowing that you have done a day’s work of exercise and you aren’t in pain or struggling to breathe like you would if you were if you were doing weights or none body exercises. Omelet These exercises are great for a morning routine. After a nice warm omelet that you will have on a sunny day, to keep yourself fit after a filling meal pushups, sit ups and planks will keep your body in shape.

Lunch Grilled chicken wrap This is a healthy meal going into your diet this will decrease the calories that you have if you were to have a sausage droll or a pie these are healthy grilled chicken with salad to go with. The exercises that are going to keep you fit will be pushups plank and burpees this all work on the core, the arms and also the legs. Shortcut bacon and poached eggs This meal is a great and easy meal to just eat and feel amazing, it isn’t filling but it is reliving making you feel good instead of sick of eating too much. The exercises that will make you feel even better are sit ups, pull ups and burpees these will increase the upper body strength.

Dinner Steak and pea, broccoli and asparagus This dinner is a very healthy dinner giving you all the vitamins that you need in a dinner with irons also. This will give you enough strength and energy to do these workouts that will improve you upper and lower body strength. These exercises are pushups, sit ups, burpees and pull ups. Salmon steak with toss salad. This is a referring meal making you feel energized and happy that you are eating something so good and also so healthy for your body this gives you so many vitamins to keep your energy levels high for your workout. The workouts that you will be doing are pushups, sit ups, pull ups, burpees and a late night run.