Pushups this exercise helps the body gain the upper body strength that you need for our product. When doing this there are 2 ways that you can benefit from the wide stance and the close stance, each one of these types of pushups do their own part, the wide stance gives you more chest, back and shoulders but with the close stance it helps develop muscles on the upper arm such as the triceps and biceps.
Sit Ups this exercise helps the body create core strength near abdominal area referring to the Abs. this making the body work your core strength with your feet set to the ground and hands on the head with this you have nothing pushing your body up off the ground, this exercise is all relying on your core strength.
Pull Ups this exercises helps the body gain upper strength given you do it correctly. There 2 options with the pull ups, just like the pushups there is a wide grip and a close grip, the closer grip gives you the strength in the arms and the wide grips gives you the chest back and shoulders these are better than the pushups if you are able to do a stainable amount of reps.
Going For Runs this exercise will help you stay fit, keep you in shape and if you just like to get fresh air this an activity to do. This let the body relax just going for a couple kilometers (km) at a time this will relieve muscle pains whilst on a jog but always stretch before any exercise especially before and after running.
Squats this exercise will help your leg strength with the quadriceps working the body by steadily making sure you are going down slow and steady that when you should start to feel a strain in your legs meaning just to hold it for 2-3 seconds, this causing the muscle to get used to the muscles exercise and this will become easier every time you attempt this work out.
Leg Raises this exercise helps your core and abdominal area this increases the strength needed when doing the exercise this will help the body get defined abs and muscles in the core area causing you to be able to get more defined every time you do this exercise.
Burpees this exercise helps work your arms, back, chest, core, glutes and legs. This exercise is used by every fitness trainer to help them gain the strength in multiple parts of the body at the same time it has a mixture of exercises in it like the star jump and the push up put together.
Star Jumps this exercise helps you to cool down after an extreme workout, this exercise is used to make you feel relaxed and stress relived after a workout and before you can use it when getting warmed up for a workout.